Support the New University

On Friday 13 February, an organization of concerned students calling itself The New University ( occupied the Bungehuis, one of the University of Amsterdam’s buildings and one of the Humanities Faculty’s primary locations. The students are protesting the financialization of academic life, and are calling for the radical democratization of university management. According to press releases issued by the students, their decision to occupy a university building was only taken after they had become convinced that all other options for entering into discussion with the university’s management had been exhausted, and many less impactful forms of protest had already been exercised (see

The University of Amsterdam’s Executive Board has responded by taking the students to court, thus criminalizing a sincere and legitimate form of protest and imposing exorbitant fines and legal fees on the students. Since the court’s ruling, the students face imminent forcible eviction as well as growing financial burdens, but they nevertheless continue to occupy the building, where they organize lectures, public debates, and assembly meetings, while developing further plans for protests and acts of civil disobedience for as long as the Board continues to ignore their demands.

As members of the international academic community, we hereby express our support for the students’ right to protest. We sympathize with their demand for greater transparency and accountability for university management, and for the democratization of decision-making processes. We therefore call upon the University of Amsterdam’s Executive Board to work with the students rather than continuing to making disproportionate legal and financial threats, thereby criminalizing a legitimate form of protest. We also urge the Board to involve students and staff members in an open discussion to work towards a reversal of the ongoing financialization and managerialism that is increasingly coming to dominate academic life.


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Alánok, kovácsok, diplomaták – A Magyar Művészeti Akadémia nemzetközi missziója

Bemutatjuk, hogyan szállítja a szinte kormányhivatalként működő MMA a külügynek a hivatalos magyar kultúrát, miközben saját tagjait tolja előtérbe a legtöbbször tisztán protokolláris eseményeken.

fekete György és az első székely bélyeg

Az olasz kapcsolatokhoz kötődik az a minden elemében jellemző történet, ahogy az MMA közelebb került néhány ösztöndíjas helyhez. 2012 júniusában papírra vetett nemzetközi stratégiájukban kitérnek a nagy múltú Római Magyar Akadémia képzőművészeti ösztöndíjaira, amely 30 vagy 60 nap római tartózkodást és az idei kiírás szerint maximum 656, illetve 833 ezer forint alkotói támogatást jelent. Az MMA stratégiája észrevételezte, hogy a „Magyar Ösztöndíj Bizottság a pályázatokat elbíráló testület”, ezért javasolta, hogy „az MMA – jogszabály-módosítást követően – delegáljon tagot a Magyar Ösztöndíj Bizottságba”. Mégpedig azért, hogy az intézetben „ismét értékes, színvonalas művek szülessenek”. Ez a nemes elképzelés még abban az évben, a kormány 407/2012. számú, „a Magyar Művészeti Akadémia kultúrstratégiai szerepének megerősítéséről” szóló rendeletében testet öltött. Azóta a Magyar Ösztöndíj Bizottság 10 tagja közül egyet immár a testület delegál. Erre a rendelet szerint a következő év, vagyis 2013. január 31-ével sor is kerülhetett, Dévényi Sándor építész valószínűleg már ekkor elfoglalta a pozíciót. A pontos időpontot az MMA sajtóosztálya nem tudta megmondani.

tovább: MagyarNarancs

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Hungary: Little EU Action on Rights Concerns

(Budapest) – Brussels has done virtually nothing about Hungary’s problematic laws and practices concerning human rights since the European Commission in March 2014 created a “rule of law” measure to address serious abuses in EU member states, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. five-page Human Rights Watch report identifies a range of outstanding human rights concerns stemming from laws and practices enacted by the government led by Prime Minister Viktor Orbán since its election in 2010. The Hungarian government has introduced a raft of problematic laws and policies while international calls to amend them have gone largely unheeded.

“Hungary is exhibit A for the need for stronger European Union action to protect rights inside its own borders,” said Lydia Gall, Balkans and Eastern Europe researcher at Human Rights Watch. “The EU needs to stand up for its own values and protect the rights of Hungary’s citizens, including by activating the commission’s rule of law mechanism and putting the country’s record on the agenda of the European Council.”

more: HumanRightsWatch

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Hungary taking aim at NGOs and, critics say, democracy

Veronika Mora was getting ready for work when her home phone rang. “I’m at your office,” she recalls a policewoman telling her. “Where are you?”

Mora, the head of a nonprofit agency that distributed millions of euros in grants to government watchdogs including Transparency International, arrived 30 minutes later to find two dozen officers waiting for her on a crisp Budapest morning last fall. For hours, they combed through file cabinets and downloaded data on organizations that had been deeply critical of the Hungarian government.

The government called it part of an operation seeking to watch the watchdogs, holding them accountable for potential mismanagement and financial irregularities. But to Mora and others, it smacked of harassment. It also signaled a new normal in a country that has emerged as a troubling portent for Europe’s future.

From France to Finland, right-wing nationalists are gaining at the polls, with a radical new coalition of the far left and far right taking over in Greece last month. Across the continent, it is raising a disquieting question: How might European nations change under this rising club of new nationalists?

more: WashingtonPost

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The illiberal democracy and the revanchist city – The spatial and political transformation of Budapest since 2010

“We need to give back public spaces to the citizens” – argued István Tarlós, the mayor of Budapest and a member of the nationalist-conservative Fidesz party when he tried to justify the city’s criminalizing of homelessness in most of its public spaces. The message here was clear: homeless people do not qualify for citizen status and therefore the city can legitimately banish them from spaces they could share with „the citizens”, who do not live in public spaces. The limitations on the ways people can spend their time in public spaces signify the boundaries within which homeless people can exist in the city, but also the boundaries of citizenship, of belonging to the political community. The ways cities regulate, plan, and define public space, not only influence the aesthetics of the physical spaces and the laws regulating public spaces, but also set up social and political boundaries for their residents.

The ways in which criminalization of homelessness, gentrification and the privatization of urban spaces limits access of poor and lower middle class residents to public spaces in Europe and the United States have been widely discussed. The revanchist city (to use Neil Smith’s term) seeks to isolate and push out poor residents by criminalizing their everyday activities and the welfare regime itself, arguing that punitive measures are needed in order to bring “traditional values” back to the city, by which a neoconservative ideal of cleanliness and order in both physical and social terms is meant (Smith 1996). Those who fail to match this ideal have no place in the revanchist city and its political community. Both redistribution and the rights-based conceptualization of citizenship are seen as“liberal” values that need to be abandoned; publicness and citizenship are no longer to be considered rights or public goods. This means that it is not acknowledged that public space should be accessible for all social groups; the publicness, the accessibility of public space is not a social value, but an issue of public order. One needs to be orderly to be acknowledged as a citizen and to gain physical access to public spaces. The revanchist city excludes not only people living in housing poverty, but anyone unable to comply with the “traditional values” defined by powerful political actors. Access to public spaces, to publicness and thus to citizenship, is defined,as a privilege a resident gains through material wealth and political compliance, rather than a right.

Before we turn to concrete examples, another term must be introduced. This term did not emerge from academia, but from the political manifesto of Viktor Orbán, the prime minister of Hungary. In the summer of 2014, a couple of months after his re-election, Orbán announced the ruling party’s break with “liberal democracy”, and claimed to be building an “illiberal democracy” that relies on the “traditional values” of the nation,; without abandoning all liberal values, the state’s political ideology puts the nation at the center. Orbán’s phrase “work-based society” makes more clear what the „real values” of the nation are. The “illiberal democracy” and the “work-based society” together undergird a revanchist regime that does not seek to represent or even tolerate (certain kinds of) social actors and their claims that do not comply with the social order of the conservative bourgeoisie. Those who do not participate in economic production and those who represent values that do not reinforce the ideals of this regime will not be tolerated.

more: CriticalAttac

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Housing Is for All

During the Communist period in East-Central Europe, when people talked about “homelessness,” they were speaking of a spiritual or political condition – of being in exile from their country of origin or feeling homeless in their own country because of the presence of Soviet troops. At that time, there were few people living on the street. Everyone had to have an address. Homelessness did not officially exist.

Today it’s another matter. For many of the same reasons that homelessness increased in the United States in the 1980s, the phenomenon has intensified in East-Central Europe. In Hungary, for instance, there are around 30,000 homeless people, many of them in Budapest. People sleeping in the underground entrances to the subway or bundled under street arcades are a common sight.

“The structural roots of homelessness are very much similar in Hungary and in the United States,” explains Hungarian activist Balint Misetics. “In this respect, the transition to free market capitalism in the early 1990s could be seen as a parallel to the neoliberalization of the U.S. state, and it is possible to identify similar structural processes behind the emergence of mass homelessness in the 1980s in the United States, and a decade later in Hungary.” There was also both deinstitutionalization (the release of people from institutional settings such as hospitals and treatment centers) and decriminalization of behaviors like “vagrancy” in the U.S. context and “unemployment” in Hungary under Communism, which previously had been used to put homeless people behind bars.

But Misetics continued, “the most important factors are de-industrialization and the corresponding loss in stable, manufacturing jobs, considerable state withdrawal from housing policy, and the destruction of cheap intermediary housing forms for very low-income people, SROs in the United States, and workers’ hostels in Hungary.”

more: HuffingtonPost

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Akciócsoporttal igazíttatják helyre a sajtót

Több ügyvédi irodát is hadrendbe állított a kormányzat, hogy a jövőben határozottan reagálhassanak a médiában megjelent cikkekre. A bekeményítésre Győri Tibor miniszterelnökségi államtitkár vette rá a tárcákat. Egy sajtófelelősökből álló akciócsoportot is felállítottak.

Az elmúlt hetekben a minisztériumok felszólítást kaptak, hogy keményebben reagáljanak az elektronikus és nyomtatott sajtóban megjelent cikkek, riportok állításaira, amennyiben bennük hibát vagy valótlanságot vélnek felfedezni.

information libre atelier
(Atelier Populaire, 1968)

A felszólítás a Miniszterelnökségről érkezett, ahol megelégelték, hogy tárcák az elmúlt két és fél évben csak a legritkább esetben álltak a sarkukra a médiával szemben.

Úgy tudjuk, hogy Győri Tibor, a Miniszterelnökség államtitkára volt a keményebb fellépés motorja.

A Fidesz egykori jogtanácsosa, aki közel tíz évig volt a Mahír egyik vezetője, 2010-ben Orbán Viktor miniszterelnök megbízottjaként került a Miniszterelnökségre, és tavaly kapott államtitkári rangot. Forrásaink szerint neki tulajdonító több törvényi változás alapötlete az elmúlt években, többek között olyanok is, amelyek a bíróságok működését is befolyásoló jogi újításokat hoztak.

Győri Tibor azonban nem egyszerű jogászként keveredett a sajtóperek területére. Felesége, Győriné Maurer Amália a legutóbbi időkig bíróként dolgozott a Fővárosi Ítélőtáblán, és kifejezetten a sajtóügyek specialistája. Mivel a legtöbb nagy szerkesztőség budapesti, a sajtóperek zömét másodfokon a Fővárosi Ítélőtábla tárgyalja.

Az a bírói tanács tárgyalta többek között az Élet és Irodalom Tokaji borcsaták II. c. riportja miatt az egykori az Orbán-család résztulajdonában álló Szárhegy Dűlő Kft. által indított pert, amelynek Győriné is tagja volt. A marasztaló ítélet nagy visszhangot váltott ki a jobboldallal kevéssé szimpatizáló médiumokban, az ítéletet azonban később a Kúria is jóváhagyta.

tovább: Index

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