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Category Archives: social background HU
Vigorous Flagging in the Heart of Europe: The Hungarian Homeland under the Right-Wing Regime
by Edit András (E-Flux #57.) Nationalism is not just in Hungary’s backyard, it is in every corner of the house from the basement to the roof. It gets inside with the air and has completely soaked through the orifices of the … Continue reading
Posted in EN, free artists, social background HU
Tagged emlékhely, helyzetelemzés, kultúrpolitika, MMA, Műcsarnok
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Norway Denounces Hungarian Police Raids on NGOs
Norway said Tuesday that Hungarian police raids on the offices of civic groups critical of the government were unacceptable and showed Hungary is distancing itself from European democratic norms. Police have been investigating several civic groups that distribute or receive … Continue reading
Posted in EN, political background - HU, social background HU
Tagged civil szféra, jogsértés, rendőrállam, vélemény
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Hungary: Neo-Nazi resurgence in Holocaust anniversary year
Jobbik, a far-right ultra-nationalist racist party established in 2007, made significant electoral gains in the Hungarian elections, garnering just over 20% of the national vote in the April poll. Under Hungary’s system of proportional representation, this result (up 5% from … Continue reading
Posted in EN, social background HU
Tagged antiszemitizmus
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Cultivating Empathy in Hungary
(…) I live here. I’ve started saying that I’m a Hungarian. Now, when they ask me outside, where do you come from, I say, “Hungary. Don’t I look Hungarian?” And they say, “No, not really.” “Then what do Hungarians look … Continue reading
NGOs as threats to the building of Orbán Viktor’s “illiberal democracy”
Yesterday while analyzing Viktor Orbán’s latest speech I concentrated on the topic that aroused the greatest outrage in opposition circles, the Hungarian prime minister’s plans to introduce a so-called “illiberal democracy.” Here I would like to talk about a topic that at first … Continue reading
Posted in EN, social background HU
Tagged civil szféra, köztér
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Why is the Hungarian Government Waging a War on Civil Society?
As the Hungarian government strengthens its relationship with Putin, it has simultaneously launched a war against civil society, one of last free and critical voices left in Hungary. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has much to learn from President Putin … Continue reading
Posted in EN, social background HU
Tagged társadalom
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Breaking news: U.S. Statement on Intimidation of Civil Society and Media in Hungary
Statement on Intimidation of Civil Society and Media in Hungary As delivered by the U.S. Chargé d’Affaires Gary Robbins to the Permanent Council, Vienna [Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe] June 19, 2014 We take the floor today to express … Continue reading
Posted in EN, social background HU
Tagged sajtószabadság
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