Press Release – Ministry of Human Resources – May 13, 2013


The representatives of United for Contemporary Art, demonstrating for days on the stairs of Ludwig Museum, did not appear at the Monday meeting initiated by the Ministry. The Ministry regrets that the demonstrators demanding democracy and transparency are apparently not willing to have a dialogue, nor are they interested in knowing the legal constraints and the time limits of the tender for director.

At its press conference on 10 May 2013, the activists of United for Contemporary Art announced that they would continue to unlawfully occupy the entrance to the Ludwig Museum until the State Secretariat for Culture of the Ministry of Human Resources commences a substantive consultation with them. In a letter dated the same day, the Portfolio indicated to the organisation that it invites its representatives for a consultation on 13 May 2013. They, however, did not appear for the meeting.

The Ministry expresses its regret that the members of the organisation are not interested in the facts, nor in how the legislation that has been in force for years applies to the appointment of the director of a Hungarian museum.

The Portfolio still considers it important to maintain a real dialogue about the selection of the director. However, if the other party is unwilling to open a dialogue, it is actions like occupying a museum that hinder the operation of institutions as intended.

The mandate of the director of the Ludwig Museum – Museum of Contemporary Art, Budapest expired on 28 February 2013. The Minister of Human Resources shall make his decision on the tenders received for the post of director, by 12 June 2013.

Budapest, 13 May 2013

Department of Press, Communications, Public Relations and Protocol

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