Recent legislative steps in Hungary point towards the authoritarian transformation of the institutional structures and funding system of cultural life, by giving an ultra conservative artist group close to the rightwing government, the Hungarian Academy of Arts (MMA), an unassailable position of power. According to their stated intentions – formulated in the government’s draft law, which is to be voted on in February 2013, the MMA would take over several state tasks and responsibilities in the field of culture; thus, for example, they would participate in the selection of directors of cultural institutions and museums, and even encroach on how professional organizations work. From the beginning of 2013, the Műcsarnok / Kunsthalle Budapest, which is the most significant venue and symbolic space for contemporary art in Hungary, will become the property of the Hungarian Academy of Arts. Furthermore, they will also have the right to define the principles and professional concepts of the art policy of the institution. It has become evident that the actual political executive power intends to control contemporary culture in a direct way with the help of legal regulations and put an end to its still existing plurality. As a result of these decisions, the government has endangered the long-term autonomy, professionalism and democratic procedures of Hungarian contemporary art.’
/Excerpt from the Announcement of Board of the AICA Section Hungary/